Aug. 22, 1995.
This is rest of the story from Ashtar. He was saying
that people think that he is a very stern military
type of commander and he would like to change that
Dalphiaana: Do you think people will ever free that one up? They believe in it so strongly!
Ashtar: Only by beings who feel strong enough to understand and pass the word along.
The Ashtar Command, in the etheric dimensions, is no military organization, just as the Ashtar Command on the Earth is not militant in any way. The other "Commands," so called by those who channeled us in years past, are similar, dear ones.
Dalphiaana: But if you used similes all the time, why didn't that come through the channels? Why didn't they understand that? Did you tell them that it was a simile?
Ashtar: We can but give the thoughts and the person upon the Earth chooses the words. When the word "commander" was chosen, it was true, in one context, in that we are in command of ourselves, but there is the connection to the word "commander" that is militant which, of course, people grab onto, and cause the beings of Light to look, IN THEIR EYES, as a militant force.
D: You know, I can understand this!
A: There will be many who do not. Even the Ariana of a few years ago would not have accepted these ideas, for she was schooled in the ideas of others.
D: Does that mean there is still a fleet of ships helping the Earth, that are approximately five hundred miles above the planet, keeping us in surveillance? Is that still valid, or are they in thought form? What about all the vaporized clouds in the shape of ships?
A: Let us start with you and your center. Ariana and those who volunteer their service here, are commanders in the Cloverleaf Center, and it is a solid, workable entity in itself. This is where you choose to live and to work, and the way you choose to distribute your materials is called "networking." From this safe place, you happily do your mission. Now, there are others upon Earth who have similar circumstances. They decided away back when that they are members of the Ashtar Command and they have their own place. They have their own way of working and they do so.
There are people who have died, such as George Van Tassel, who was in a circumstance similar to yours. From his point of view, he is doing his own part in the Ashtar Command, and through the use of telepathy and many other wondrous, miraculous ways, he assists many beings in the name of the AShtar Command. In the Spirit World, there are millions upon millions of beings who are working in their own selected missions in time with the ideas of the Ashtar Command. They are doing their own mission, of their own selection. They are working with the ideas of Sananda and some of Ashtar. They have selected their part, yet there is no army, you see there is no chain of command there are no ranks.
Now, when you go up the dimensions, you can imagine that there are some, who live in galaxies, perhaps in the Fifth Dimension, who decided what they will do for the Earth mission is to send out a fleet of ships. Those ships will come into the atmosphere of the Earth, they can be made to actually look Third Dimensional, yet they can disappear in the twinkling of an eye. They can cause a "fog" to be around them, and you would see a stationary "cloud" there, above a mountain!
Here again, these beings in another dimension, from another galaxy, have used their ships as their place of service, just as you are using your home. From there, they are doing what they feel they can to assist. Now, the thing that connects all of this together is thought! It is thought, and it is the ability of you and others to catch the thoughts. Of course, in higher dimensions it is much easier than you find it on the Earth, so tuning in to Ashtar's or Sananda's wave length is very easy.
As you go up the dimensions, you have more and more beings who are concerned with regard to the Earth's situation, and these beings assist in their own manner. You have the Ascended Masters, who are speaking of Love through many channels, for example. You have inventors who are putting ideas in people's minds on Earth. They are all doing their own missions, doing what comes naturally for them, and they are sending out their love in this manner. Sananda does not tell them. "Now you do this, and another do that." No! They select from their heart what they could do in their situation, and they do that. It is not in any manner militant.
Now, when you think about the realms of the Archangels, it is similar. There are many angelic beings in the hierarchy who are there because of the various choices they have made. They are of a different hierarchy. Some have chose o assist, so from their place they do assist. Their assistance, you see, is of their choosing. What they can do is mainly of the mind, for you see, all of creation occurred because of he mind!
D: I understand - an expression of the mind of G--.
A: Yes, indeed, and always remember, in your awareness, that G-- does not stand on a pedestal on the thirty-second cloud, but that G-- is within every heart!
D: That's understandable.
A: I love you and honor you for standing firm in the conviction of your hearts...for having the faith to continue when the road is very rough, and for proceeding on, no matter what occurs in your lives.
D: I love you for standing by us, and or being a part of us, for indeed you are a part of our hearts.
A: There is much coming of great wonder in the lives of you, who live on Earth. Stand firm, dear ones. The winds of change will not blow you down! Take heart, dear ones, from the seasons, as winter turns into spring, within and without.
Dear ones. I thank you for being with me in this way. In loving thanks, I am Ashtar.
Ariana Sheran, metaphysical teacher and a beacon of light, has chosen to serve the greater good through her mission at Cloverleaf.
She is available for channelings and workshops on a
myriad of subject. She may be reached by writing- Cloverleaf
922-112 Street, North Battleford, SK, Canada.
Source Of Information: This article appeared in a magazine called Ascending Times, ENLIGHTENING COMMUNICATION DEDICATED TO THE UNIFICATION OF LIGHTWORKERS, ISSUE NUMBER 6, P.O. BOX 100, SIMPSON, CANADA SOG 4MO.
Remember: You can't win if you do not begin.
John Winston.